Food! Food! Food!
Always deserves a number of blog entries!
22.01.2020 - 29.01.2020
Every time I take grab my phone to take a photo of food, I have a quiet chuckle. So many people comment with disdain about those who post photos of what they eat on social media!! But I give a horse's a$$!!!
We are a foodie family, into the 4th generation of being passionate about what we eat, how it is prepared and where to buy the best possible ingredients. So I am VERY happy to share with you here the deliciousness I have thus far experienced!
Healthy meals at home with Rosa & Lucia
Who would imagine that a seaweed burger could be delicious ~ not something we find in SA!!
A selection of yumminess from the local organic market @ Noordekerk. The mushroom selection really blew me away, as do the cheeses and breads. Life is great!!
Posted by Gypsy Lee 03:58 Archived in Netherlands Tagged food home_cooking organic_food healthy_meals